Enchanting Your Space: A Witchy Autumn Decor Guide

Transform your home with the allure of earth tones in our Witchy Autumn Decor Guide. Get inspired for Mabon, Samhain, and All Hallow’s Eve
Make a Bee Hotel by Jennifer Muck-Dietrich Enchanted Living Magazine

Make a Bee Hotel

Photography by Kristin Reimer Insect hotels are a creative and easy way to add a functional feature to your garden or landscape. Their purpose is...

A Decadent Cozy Corner

Photograph by STEVE PARKE A beautiful room is like a long, luscious drink of whatever restores you. Your home should both delight your body and...

At Home: The Stylish Witch’s Lair

Feature Image by Oh The Raven Studio Hard to believe, but it’s been more than twenty-five years since Alice Hoffman published Practical Magic, the story...

Inside The Magical, Mystical World of Cynthia von Buhler

PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE PARKE   Even among visionaries, artists who can create a reality for themselves as rich and lovely and magical too as their dream...
Book collection by @lescargot.papier

My Magical Bookshelf

Step into the enchanting world of a magical bookshelf, where old editions filled with fairy tales and fantastical adventures beckon. Discover the historical significance of children's stories, from Maria Edgeworth's realism to Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Book. Explore the spellbinding realms of classic tales, from the gardens of kings to the burrows of hobbits, and embrace the transformative power of storytelling and the enduring magic of books.

At Home: Faerie QueenDecor

Feature Image Photography by TRICIA SAROYA Kitting out a faerie queen hideaway demands a high level of taste, and an eye for enchanting objets d’art...

An Enchanted Kitchen

Article taken from Issue #32 || Autumn 2015 Print || Digital When The Art of the Home blogger and professional muralist Dawn-Marie deLara first set out...

At Home: A Decadent Decor

When I think about decadence and decor, an image springs to mind of the Chelsea Hotel in its heyday. I remember the red velvet...

Southern Gothic

Photography by CAROLYN TURGEON I grew up in a humble West Virginia ranch house with low ceilings, wood paneling, and hideous orange-and-avocado-toned vinyl flooring. I...