The Original Mermaid

You could say that professional mermaiding began in 1904, when young Australian swimmer Annette Kellerman dove into a glass tank at the Melbourne Exhibition...

A Celebration of the Modern Mermaid

Photography by Marketa Novak | Model: Marie Kružíková Renčová Temptresses from the deep, with beautiful faces and seductive voices, luring sailors to their death. Wicked...

On the Edges No More— Women, Magic, and the Pre-Raphaelites

They say she was then struck with feverish madness. If she was, it was an odd sort of madness, for she knew exactly what...
Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash

Candle Magic

The very first spell that you cast was most likely the annual wish that you conjured upon your birthday candles. Candle magic has been...

Once Upon A Time In Lapland

Photography by Angi Sullins and Silas Toball I admit it. I’m a wonder junkie. An inspiration addict. My fairy-tale fanaticism led me to create immersive...

Pre-Raphaelite Themed Spring Issue

Here at our enchanted headquarters we're very excited to be wrapping up our Pre-Raphaelite-themed spring issue in the next couple of weeks and are even more...
Grandmother Ponderosa Extract by The Wondersmith

Grandmother Ponderosa Extract

Many plants seem to represent an archetype or personality to me, which is often a reflection of their usage in folk medicine or even...

At Home in the Forest

BY SARA CLETO AND BRITTANY WARMAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAN PAULY The concept of hygge is all about creating cozy, safe, and happy spaces. Embracing hygge means...

Life of A Love Witch; Earth, Water, Fire & Air Spells

Photography by Steve Parke In this moment, the sun stretches over the open sky, glowing golden before its descent into night. The wind sways the...
Photo by Norris Niman on Unsplash

More Than Myth: Icelandic Warlocks and Witches

If there ever were a place made for magic, it’s Iceland. It’s a county of drama and mystery, of extremes, where rumbling volcanoes shake...