The Beauty Witch: MARCH

STAR POWER Mar 2 New Moon in Pisces * Lucky You!* Mar 6 Venus and Mars enter Aquarius  * Connect with kindred spirits* Mar 10 Mercury enters...

The Beauty Witch: FEBRUARY

STAR POWER Feb 1. New Moon in Aquarius *A New Path* Imbolc Eve  *Life Awakens* Lunar New Year *Big Leaps!* Feb 3. Mercury Direct  *Oh, Did I Keep...

The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

STAR POWER Jan 2  New Moon in Capricorn *Get down to business* Mercury in Aquarius *Don’t push your agenda* Jan 14 Mercury Retrograde *Be prepared* Jan...

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

STAR POWER DEC 4 New Moon Solar Eclipse  *Swept away* DEC 13 Mars enters Sagittarius *The sky is the limit!*                ...

Bountiful Beauty

Inside woven baskets brimming with the abundance of autumn, so ample with lusciousness that you can barely carry them, ancient beauty secrets live and...

The Beauty Witch: NOVEMBER

STAR POWER Nov 4 New Moon in Scorpio *Hold onto your hat!* Nov 5 Mercury enters Scorpio *Digging for the truth* Venus enters Capricorn  *Responsibility takes over* Nov...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

STAR POWER Oct. 6  New Moon in Libra  *Renewed relationships* Oct. 7  Venus in Sagittarius  *Lay it on the line* Oct. 18  Mercury direct  *Lines become uncrossed...

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

STAR POWER SEPT 6 | New Moon in Virgo | *A better you* SEPT 10 | Venus in Scorpio | *Is it steamy in here?* SEPT 14...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

STAR POWER AUG 8 | New Moon in Leo | *The spotlight is on you!* AUG 11 | Mercury enters Virgo | *It’s all in the...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

STAR POWER July 9 | New Moon in Cancer *Stability reigns supreme* July 11 | Mercury in Cancer   *Be clear, but kind* July 21  | Venus enters Virgo ...