The Beauty Witch: APRIL

Fire burn and cauldron bubble! The brilliant glow of life renewed beckons from every corner, daring you to accept the challenge and rise to meet it blazing bright. Sparks...

The Beauty Witch: MAY

The famously sweet, verdant fragrance that is May greets us at the very moment we have gone beyond the point of stir-crazy. This year,...

The Beauty Witch: JUNE

Summer arrives in her bombshell style, but she isn’t alone - the planetary jongleur poises to keep us all in the air as particles fly about. What will drop? Flowers,...
Photo by Park Street on Unsplash

Witchy Beauty

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf becomes a flower.” —Albert Camus As the days lengthen and the big, beautiful harvest moon casts its spell...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

August bounds in like a rather large cat romping atop your bed, just as you were hoping for a bit more slumber – he...

The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

And…we’ve made it through! Somehow, we have survived the hailstorm that was 2020, and now find ourselves thrust forth into a new calendar year...