Amy Rose

Floral Fox Art – The Botanical Paintings of Amy Rose

Lilacs were not supposed to bloom in July, that was a simple botanical fact, at least it had been until now. Girls in the neighborhood had begun to whisper that if you kissed the...

Bringing Legends to Life – Baltimore Knife and Sword

by Carolyn Turgeon and photography by Steve Parke As you wind through Patapsco State Park, just north of Baltimore, passing a flagstone-encrusted quarry and crossing a defunct train track that parallels a charming stream, you come...

The Art of Darla Teagarden

Austin artist Darla Teagarden brings magic realism literally to light in the medium of photography, leaving the viewer intrigued, wonderfully tantalized—one might even say spellbound—by her darkly cinematic and playfully animistic imagery. Inspired, in her...

Fairies in Advertising

Fairies are notorious for tricking folks into making bad decisions. (See Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream: transformations, potions, falling in love with jackasses.) So it’s natural that hucksters, peddling their own magic and illusions, would people...
Annie Stegg

Visions of Enchantment

A dragon-like sea monster rears above a ship, terrifying in its unleashed rage, yet beautiful—delicate scales, a sinuous grace to its form. A maiden cautiously steps into a fairy ring, her garments diaphanous, her expression concerned....

Lady of Shalott

Concept and design by Tricia Saroya Photography by Shirlie Kemp You’ve read about Tricia Saroya’s enchanted ranch (where she lives and hosts ultra-romantic weddings as well as the occasional Faerie Magazine photo shoot, like the one on...

Fairy Felted Creations

Incorporating a love of all things fairy tale and fairy into day-to-day life is a constant challenge. It helps to find little ways to add a touch of whimsy or magic into everyday wardrobe...
Winter Faerie Beauty

Winter Faerie Beauty

Cloak your heavenly body in rich moisture and deep hydration, while infusing your entire being with vital nutrients. Ancient beauty secrets are unlocked inside these captivating potions, so get ready to settle in for...

Gowned in Samite and Gossamer

One of the greatest draws for modern people to the Romantic past is a fashion aesthetic dramatically different from our own. It’s true for everyone, though women typically more readily admit they adore the...
The Mediaeval Baebes

Spanning The Reigns of the Queens with The Mediaeval Baebes

Photography by Karla de Silva The Mediaeval Baebes are part of my Yuletide rotation, their album Mistletoe & Wine a staple of my—and many a—Christmastime playlist. As surely as a warm mug of mulled wine, listening...