Catching The Moon: An interview with Pamela Zimmerman
Explore Pamela Zimmerman's captivating basketry, where each creation tells a unique story. From coiled Native-style baskets to emotive faces in "Catching the Moon," discover artistry beyond utility.
Beneath the Witch’s Hat
Photography by Alassie
It’s as essential—as elementary really—to the vintage witch as a broom or flowing skirts. No, even more so. Much more than pointy shoes or a black cat familiar, the tall, peaked hat...
Black Light Soirée
An idea for a fun celestial party you can throw for your more moony, starry friends is a black light soiree—where guests adorn themselves with stars and constellations using blacklight body paint. Artist Sirena Hildebrand...
A Faerie Village of Gingerbread & Snow
Article taken from Issue #33 || Winter 2015
Print || Digital
Photos by Vince Chafin
Here’s a fun project to satisfy your faerie’s sweet tooth, have a fun family day, and create a magical look for your winter table!...
Artist Terri Foss Chats About Manifesting Magic
We’ve long been enchanted by artist Terri Foss, whose Instagram feed is full of her incredibly charming, witchy paintings of crescent moons and wild, solitary figures standing alongside pumpkins and crows and cats and...
The Art of Broomcraft
Article from the Autumn 2022 Vintage Witch Issue.
Enchanted Living is a quarterly print magazine that celebrates all things enchanted.
Subscribe now and begin with our winter issue!
How can one not love the humble broom, the...
Rainbow-Washed Correspondence
The holiday season offers many delights, among them the chance to gather with loved ones, share meals and conversation, and reflect on the turning of the year. What of our far-off friends, though? I’ve found that,...
Dazzling Fairy Tale Images from Margarita Kareva
We’ve been in love with Russian photographer Margarita Kareva’s dazzling fairy tale images for a while now. Each photo tells a story—of some wonderful place, far away, where dreamy ice queens and lady falconers...
Stitch Magic
I encountered intentional sewing as a concept when my Gothic-literature-loving mother gave me Barbara Michaels’s Georgetown trilogy, which explores the possibility of human emotion and, indeed, magic actively embedded into objects—a...
Wings and Light
So we think these captures of Italian model-artist Emanuele Zappariello by Polish artist Agnieszka Lorek could have been lifted from some cobweb-covered Renaissance-era masterpiece hidden away in an Italian castle somewhere. Don’t you? Who...