The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

The warmth of the Sun’s rays pulse, so virile in his glorious blaze that silent steps into shadow go quietly undetected. The moment to bask in the light is now. Oooh,...

The Beauty Witch: APRIL

Seems ironic, no? In the spell of early Spring that gives new life to earth and all her charms, she opens the heavy doors...
The Beauty Witch January Alise Marie

The Beauty Witch: JANUARY

With a new calendar year comes the sense of expectation, as endless possibility mingles with more than its share of butterflies. Even though the...

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

Ahh, cheris, this Yuletide season has rushed to greet us, no? It seems only yesterday I was writing to you about warm days, and,...

The Beauty Witch: October

With the stirring of leaves comes the stirring of the cauldron conjuring the winds of destiny to weave within the season of change, as the hands of fate release...

The Beauty Witch: APRIL

STAR POWER April 3 Mercury in Aries *Use your voice* April 11 New Moon in Aries *Efforts now pay off* April 14 Venus in Taurus *Indulge your senses* April...

The Beauty Witch: March

Mar 3 | Mars in Gemini *Restless mind, but ease of speech* Mar 13 | New Moon in Pisces *Creativity is heightened* Mar 20  | Ostara  *The season of rebirth...

The Beauty Witch: MAY

When the earth reappears as a verdant catwalk adorned with the very latest in blossom chic Spring takes the runway as the ultimate Femme Vitale - petals opened to...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

The languid poetry of lovers that flows through each warm breath of Summer air, so divinely sweet is roused, reluctant by a sky of fire. And yet, the waters...

The Beauty Witch: APRIL

Fire burn and cauldron bubble! The brilliant glow of life renewed beckons from every corner, daring you to accept the challenge and rise to meet it blazing bright. Sparks...