The Beauty Witch: NOVEMBER

It seems instantaneous. Just as the whirl of Autumn leaves gracefully descend and settle softly to the ground, they take with them the energetic...

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

STAR POWER AUG 8 | New Moon in Leo | *The spotlight is on you!* AUG 11 | Mercury enters Virgo | *It’s all in the...
Enchanted Living Magazine Beauty Witch May - Alise Marie Sacred Spring Body Exfoliant

The Beauty Witch: MAY

STAR POWER May 1  Beltane  *creativity is in bloom* May 8  Venus enters Gemini *flirty, fickle, and fun* May 11 New Moon in Taurus *plan and organize* May...

The Beauty Witch: NOVEMBER

The new year is upon us requesting, in grand fashion, our presence - an invitation offered in the spirit of all that is to be conjured. But first! Can we...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

As July opens her wings, her heart and belly are revealed in a proud display of the electricity-charged embrace between Mars and Venus. We...

The Beauty Witch: JULY

STAR POWER July 9 | New Moon in Cancer *Stability reigns supreme* July 11 | Mercury in Cancer   *Be clear, but kind* July 21  | Venus enters Virgo ...

The Beauty Witch: FEBRUARY

Strange and abbreviated, February is oft-greeted with a heave of resignation, followed by the ennui that can only occur during the ceaseless gray of...

The Beauty Witch: FEBRUARY

STAR POWER Feb 1. New Moon in Aquarius *A New Path* Imbolc Eve  *Life Awakens* Lunar New Year *Big Leaps!* Feb 3. Mercury Direct  *Oh, Did I Keep...

The Beauty Witch: JUNE

STAR POWER June 2 Venus enters Cancer *home is where the heart is* June 10 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini *clever communications* June 11 Mars in...

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

The soft fans of trees turn to technicolor as if to remind us that time is fleeting. Stirred by wind and wishes, scented skies and jeweled earth spark...