Underwater Garden Facial Masque

Siren Beauty Secrets

As the setting sun prepares to rest, the moon is stirring. The air is filled with salt and spray, as the tide slowly rushes...
Outlander, AF Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

A Wild Yarn

Feature image credit: AF Archive / Alamy Stock Photo When it comes to costuming, enchantment lies in the details. Flora Kennedy’s exquisite accent pieces add layers...

The Felted Capes of Moss Hollowe Farms

  Photography by Steve Parke. Model: Crystal Chandler   When Lynn Hurst of South Carolina’s Moss Hollowe Farms isn’t tending to her small flock of sheep, dairy...

Six Products with a Touch of Spice

  “The whole body imbibes delight through every pore.” —Henry David Thoreau When the autumnal equinox arrives and the harvest moon hangs high over the sky,  it’s...

The Beauty Witch APRIL: Light The Fire

  Children of The Sun awaken, quite suddenly, bounding out of their flower beds to embrace the new tiny sparks turn to blazes, dancing everything to life with a shimmy and a...

Victorian Faerie Fashions

We asked Kambriel about the clothing she made for the project—and for fashion tips for those of us who plan to attend a Victorian...

Melissa Lynn Herold Talks Victorian-Era Auburn Hair

You may remember the glamorous Melissa Lynn Herold from our interview with her last fall in which she unveiled her debut fantasy novel Heaven’s Silhouette: Iyarri Chronicles...
The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER by Alise Marie Faerie Magazine

The Beauty Witch: SEPTEMBER

Graceful branches rake the sky cloaked in evening stars, ever earlier that reach to entwine limbs with brand new winds stirring cool and fragrant. The air is alive...

Faerie-Esque Fashion

We hope you're having a positively faerie-esque week wherever you are and just want to share some exciting news! In the coming months, we'll be...

The Beauty Witch: NOVEMBER

The guardians of the forest, in their cosmic shedding of layers drop, one by one, their splendid finery until they stand unclothed  in the late Autumn...