The Flower Faerie: Beauty with Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics

Article taken from Issue #32 || Autumn 2015 Print || Digital Photography: Model: Yaris @ Marilyn Model Management Beauty: David Klasfeld @ Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Hair: Meg Cost for Oribe...

Elven Beauty

It was in the Northern Lands of old, where a change of light can shift perception, that starlight and sea first awakened the world...

The Beauty Witch: DECEMBER

December shimmers in like a crystalline dancer spinning you around in its iridescent flurry of high spirits and wistful glances along the silvered horizon until you drop, breathless,...

Fairy Felted Creations

Incorporating a love of all things fairy tale and fairy into day-to-day life is a constant challenge. It helps to find little ways to...
Faerie Magazine Beauty Witch AUGUST Alise Marie

The Beauty Witch: AUGUST

Sun kisses bestowed upon us by the great lion in the sky as we bask in the last moments of fullness to savor every delight inhale every perfume and...

The Beauty Witch: JUNE

The warmth of Midsummer voluptuous, yet restful weaves her magic into every drop of precious sunlight so fleeting and so powerful with honeysuckle nectar at our lips and birdsong the score in...

Gowned in Samite and Gossamer

One of the greatest draws for modern people to the Romantic past is a fashion aesthetic dramatically different from our own. It’s true for...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

Majestic trees inhale to draw breath from each graceful limb deep into their hearts, sprinkling jeweled leaves along a scented path. The earth, still ripe with bounty, shimmers between...

Let’s Talk Mermaid Hair with Melissa Lynn Herold

Let's talk mermaid hair! Melissa Lynn Herold has a few tips for us....   Caring for Mermaid Hair There are few images more iconic than a mermaid combing...

The Beauty Witch: OCTOBER

The Wheel of The Year is a funny thing. And quite beautiful, really. As we undulate forward into a new season of life, we...